we’re easy

  • Easy to fill out online cutsheets for custom slaughter

  • convenient location to get in and out of

  • easy to unload or deliver beef or pork to our facility


  • We have the best quality beef and pork available

  • Southern Integrity only processes one animal at a time from start to finish

  • we ensure that the animal you bring in is the one that goes home with you

Our process

  • Every animal is assigned an id # when it is brought in

  • A tag is created to link the animal to the farmer to the customer

  • when the animal has been skinned and hung, a tag is created that goes into our data base

  • when a customer picks up the meat, they get a print out of every cut. (This info is saved for the farmer and customer to help produce the best product. It helps the customer look back at the previous cut list and make changes in order to get exactly what they will use out of the animal